Digital done right!

As an expert at the interface between technology and politics, I help administrations, SMEs and NGOs successfully navigate a complex world and leverage the potential of digital transformation.


Digital transformation is on everyone’s lips but what does it mean for your organization and which developments are really worth following and which trends might be overlooked?

I help you understand and leverage the potential of digital transformation through


Development cycles are getting shorter and shorter, interactions between different actors are getting more and more complex: I help you to create clarity and to classify developments. What is really behind the latest technology hype? How do international regulatory developments affect you?


Many digital transformation projects fail not because of the technology, but because the wrong questions are asked or the wrong assumptions are made at the beginning. Here, I advise you early in the strategy process and support you in the implementation. I have helped companies successfully launch digital products, develop the foundations of their data strategy, or successfully implement digitization strategies in the private and public sectors.


Information only generates added value if it is conveyed correctly. Whether for lectures, talks or moderations: I mediate between technology, politics, economy and society what the digital transformation means for us and publish regularly on various aspects of the digital transformation from cyber security to artificial intelligence.

Sign up for my newsletter or feel free to contact me with your request.

My mission: to understand and make sense of digital technologies, making existing things better and discovering new possibilities.

For example, I have

  • Supported public authorities in IT project management and digital strategy;
  • Helped banks to successfully relaunch apps for relationship managers;
  • Helped insurance companies to develop and implement a data strategy;
  • Advised SMEs in the health & energy sector on their digital strategy and supported them in its implementation;
  • Set up, optimized and managed the IT organization of an NGO;
  • Delivered various presentations on digital governance, the digital transformation of democracy, and cybersecurity, and moderated related panels;
  • Gave guest lectures on digital governance at the global and European levels and the political implications of artificial intelligence;
  • Written several analyses on the social, political, and economic impacts of digital transformation.


  • Bundesamt für Informatik
  • Sicherheitsverbund Schweiz
  • FHNW
  • ZHAW
  • BFH
  • HWZ
  • Europainstitut Universität Zürich
  • Switch
  • Pour Demain
  • Posmo

Short bio

Nicolas Zahn (*1989) holds a Master of Arts in International Affairs from the Graduate Institute Geneva. He is a board member, co-founder and member of various organizations and is especially active in democracy and net politics (see engagements).

He is an alumnus of the Swiss Study Foundation, a former Binding Fellow, a former fellow of the Mercator Kolleg for International Affairs, and an ECCRI European Cybersecurity Fellow. His work on bridging technology and politics was also acknowledged by being featured on the 35 under 35 list of CIDOB Barcelona & Banco Santander.

He publishes on various digital & political topics in the Republic, NZZ & The Market, Handelszeitung and Schweizer Monat, among others (see Appearances & Publications).

Nicolas Zahn works as Managing Director at the Swiss Digital Initiative and is also an independent digital expert.

More about me